__________Frequently Asked Questions__________
1-What I have to do to buy direct referrals for my ptc?
Choose your favorite PTC.
Choose the pack direct referrals you want.
Introduced into the text box your Referral/link. (very important to promote yourself).
And pay safe with Paypal. (We only accept Paypal).
(For other payment methods please contact us)
2-How do you get referrals so fast?
When we receive your link, place it in the best PTC. Receive a confirmation email that your link is already included in our advertising system.
The ad with your link will be exposed to a maximum of 15 days or less, depending on the package purchased.
Your referral link will be announced simultaneously in several PTC for 15 days. This ensures that over a period of 4 to 7 days you have the referrals to your PTC account Our advertising budget is very high. We buy many ads at very low, so it guarantees many ads with your link
Referrals fast and very economical, It's that simple! we are transparent
3-Where to see my referral link posted?
Your referral link will be included on our website, advertising systems, banners and Fixed PTC Advertisements.
We advertise in:-
NeoBux,Clixsense,Probux,Ojooo,BuxP,FuseBux,WordLinx, ClickFair, GlidenClix and more.
4-Why a maximum period of 15 days to receive my referrals?
We need time to get your referrals. Not instant.
Period advertising poster with your link = 25 days (maximum).
Usually from 4-7th day start receiving referrals in your PTC account.
5-Are active referrals?
More than 85% are active referrals, as human persons activity is unpredictable but guaranteed its business through our referral pliicy change that is valid for 3 months If any of your referrals stop being active (more than 14 days without clicks) we guarantee the exchange for another new referral. Changes valid during the first 3 months of buying the pack Changed only 15% of our referrals. Our filter works 100%.
6-I have not Paypal account, I can buy?
No, we only accept Paypal
(For other payment methods please contact us).